I'm 30 today!!! The big 3-0 and honestly I'm kinda excited about it... no.... a lot excited!!!!
This morning on my drive in I was thinking about what I've been up to the last 10 years and then started visualizing all that the next 10 will hold.
The girls at work bought me wonderful cupcakes today and I rec'd a bouquet of flowers and another delivery is expected tonight, not sure who that's from though.
tomorrow night we are heading to the lakehouse... my sister is here! but I won't see her until tomorrow night, a perfectly relaxing 3 day weekend at the lakehouse!!!!! aaaaaahhhhhh I can't wait!!
For my birthday I've rec'd my new roller blades and the protective gear to go with them, my green tea, some new clothes and the movie Juno which I can't wait to watch this weekend!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! Sounds like you have a great group of family and friends - that's what life is about, isn't it?
My 30th year was AWESOME, so I'm hoping it brings much happiness, health and love for you!
Have a wonderful, relaxing weeken at the lakehouse (it sounds like my ideal getaway!)
Hi! I think we need to exchange email addresses, I'm christyw22 at hotmail dot com :)
ON most gov't posting it gives the e-mail and phone number of an HR contact person (for general inquiries and sometimes it tells you who your online resume will be sent to) and I would call them and just ask if your resume made it in, or email it directly to them. Anyway for them to have your name in their head would help. I was always advised (too shy, never did it) to call people and just talk, sometimes there are other opportunities that aren't necessarily posted. But yes, I'd e-mail them to whatever e-mail address is on the posting site :)
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