Friday, August 13

Dear childhood friend who just had a baby

This is a letter I wrote to a childhood friend shortly before she had her baby.. I never sent the letter/email but it felt good to put it down. So I hope you don't mind if I share it with all of you :-)

Dear Childhood friend,

It's amazing how life takes hold and before you know it months and years have passed without having shared time with one of your best childhood friends. I know neither one of us has necessarily been good at keeping our friendship alive with so much distance between us but I just wanted you to know I think of you often and am so excited that you'll wear the title of mom so very very soon.

I've managed to put a big bubble around my life in the last three years. Putting even more distance between those I hold so dear, some family and many friends. In those three years (dear husband) and I have struggles to have a family of our own. We've gone as far as the fertility clinics, so many tests, HSG, cycle monitoring, clomid, HCG shots and IUI's all foreign to your own experience I hope. I would not wish this heartache on anyone and although I know and believe with all my heart that we'll have our own little one someday it still stings as those around us celebrate this new beginning in their own lives.

I guess maybe I've wanted to share my own experience with you for awhile now but as I said life gets in the way and we tend to think maybe this just isn't the right time.

Today and in the coming months I'm feeling so alive as I work towards leaving my full-time job to go back to running my business again. This job has allowed us the opportunity to easily purchase a home but that was 5 years ago and with the mortgage renewal just a couple months away the realization that I'm still here and had expected to be long gone by now working from home with a toddler walking around is sinking in. I've sort of been living life on hold in some ways... only moving forward one month at a time and only seeing myself as Minname trying to get pregnant instead of Minname, wife, daughter, business woman, sister and friend.

That's as far as I got. It just sort of poured out of me but I couldn't send it... it felt a little selfish as she was waiting for her bean to arrive to draw attention to myself in some way and that's just not me.

Preparations towards leaving my job are going well. I actually made my savings goal and then since I still have a couple months to go I socked a bunch of it against credit card debts in an effort to bring our debt ratio down and also bring up the credit score (always a work in progress of course but hoping for the best come October). So I'm back to saving up again but still the account is padded and staying that way... that feels pretty damn good!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Wednesday, August 4

just wanted to share...

... that today I'm wearing a skirt! I haven't felt very good about doing that in a very long time. I also smiled while driving all the way into work this morning and thinking about this is the last August that I'll ever have to make this drive on a daily basis.

This is also day 3 of getting back on the wagon for better eating and getting my body moving again. DH and I want to feel good on our trip to the Maritimes and all that sitting/driving/eating out we'll be in for and we just needed to smarten up and do what we know we should be doing. I even went on two separate walks yesterday.. one with my small biz girlfriends for our weekly meeting to keep ourselves on track and second with DH and Daytona after DH was home from training (he's a volunteer firefighter). DH even said we could get ice cream while on the walk to which I replied NO I turned down DQ today and it's almost the end of the day you are not going to mess this up! NO NO NO! all while smiling and laughing but firm that he knew I wasn't messing around.

It was his idea to get back on the wagon on Monday and he was already trying to derail things by Tuesday... sheesssshhh!