So overall the last 30 weeks have been pretty great. No major morning sickness issues. We heard baby's heart beat at 6 weeks 3 days on Dec. 21... there could not have been a more beautiful Christmas gift for us. We anxiously waited for the 3 month mark to share the news with family. Then we decided we better get our honeymoon in (7 years late!) and headed to Mexico the end of March. Then suddenly it was the end of April and my sister, BIL, 3 year old nephew and mother where all here to visit. My sister hosted a baby shower while she was here and one of my gf decorated which was so sweet but I have to tell you I'm happy it's over simply because it was weird to be the center of attention in that way. And then in May I suddenly really looked pregnant.. I was worried that maybe I wouldn't have the round pregnant belly I had imagined but here it is... so surprised by how long it took for it to really round out. lol And now I'm starting to get some of those 3rd trimester discomforts but really I have nothing to complain about.. I'm still sleeping well (that is when I'm not peeing), I'm self-employed so when I want to work from bed or the couch I can and I've somehow managed to just relax and enjoy being pregnant. No anxiety or what if's, no scares or concerns for this growing babe. I've loved having midwifery care. As much as I feel my body has failed me in the past I always believed that I would get pregnant, that I would become a mom and so now I will let go and trust that everything will unfold as it needs to.
How did we get here? 2012 looked like this
- February, start doing Crossfit
- May, Lap surgery (endo removed from left side, 1 simple cyst drained from right ovary)
- Onto Cycle monitoring
- June, Metformin started..
- Stopped crossfit in August (really felt that the stress of crossfit - my own mindset/anxieties likely - was probably building too much stress in my body)
- October cycle we used femera and tried on our own
- November cycle we used femera again but also cycle monitoring and an IUI and here we are today.. due August 13th, 2013.
The day before I took a pregnancy test my gf took amazing pictures of my husband and I (which was our Christmas gift to family). She commented on just how in love we looked, how my eyes sparkled when he would kiss me. That night I dreamt that I forgot to take a pregnancy test that morning and was disappointed to have to wait another day... but thankfully it was only a dream and I peed on a stick at 5:30am (husband says it was 4:30am) and woke up my husband... "there's another line!.... look another line!" it was Sunday morning. Monday I went straight to the fertility clinic for a beta.. it was 44.3 (DPO 13) then Wednesday another beta and it was 153 and then a week later and it was 2400 something... we could breath a little easier.. it was looking good. :-) Then the ultrasound at 6 weeks 3 days and a heart beat!!!!.... we where in love with our peanut. We don't know what we're having. We are just loving this journey... we are being protective of our little family and really trying to keep weekends lazy and slow and for just us when we wait for baby to arrive :-)
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Our Peanut - 6 weeks 3 days |
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Relaxing in Mexico |
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Baby let's us know it's all good at 21 weeks as he/she gives us a peace sign at our ultrasound :-) |
1 comment:
I had to skim through this because I'm at work and I knew I would cry - so so so happy for you.
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