Wednesday, December 2

holiday shopping

I think (and I'm almost afraid to say it)... but I think I'm almost done!

Just a few more gift cards to pick up and then it's all about the framing, wrapping and mailing. What a relief... have you ever noticed that sometimes in life you take control of the easiest things that can be crossed off the list of TO DOs? I think that's why I've managed to get this all out of the way so quickly. I have control over it... well as much as my pay cheque will allow anyways.

Now if I could just dive into all the other things I need to do with such determination.

As for the 2 week wait I'm feeling full of hope. can't go wrong with 5 rounds of BD'ing AND a cycle monitoring.. well I'm sure you could go wrong but I'm still hoping we get our Christmas wish!

I hate to be the barer of bad news but only 23 sleeps left till Christmas! YIKES!!!

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