... okay so after my DH dive last night we where talking to the instructor/dive shop owner plus another diver and it become pretty clear that this weekend of camping (dive camping trip) will also involve a lot of booze so here's my question...
what's your best come back to the "have a drink" or "why aren't you drinking" comment in a similar situation?
the first thing that comes to my mind is "no thanks... I just put down $395 this month to get my husband's sperm to meet my egg so no drinky drink for me thanks!" (in a completely sarcastic tone that will leave them bug eyed and dumbfounded. lol would that work?
You can use the dieting excuse (don't want to drink your calories), say that you are taking a medication and can't drink or just say no and then tell them to mind their own damn business :-p
Ugh! I hate that question or don't forget, "Why aren't you drinking? Are you pregnant?" I use the, "Oh I don't drink...I'm an anger drunk." No one wants to deal with a mean drunk.
lucky it was too much of a shit show with the weather that there wasn't any around the fire chit chat and drink offering.... thank you mother nature... although based on the weather this weekend I'd have to say she was pretty pissed off which makes me wonder if mother nature is also experiencing some kind of infertility?!
just saying... maybe?!
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