Saturday, January 16

to ov watch or not to ov watch

as you probably already know I've been using the ov watch for 6 cycles now... 5 consecutively and then in dec. I ended up with a bum sensor and we jsut decided to take the month off so this month is the 6 sensor to be used.

so if you where me would you keep on buying these things or would you just go with the clomid and BD every other day starting around CD 10?

1 sensor costs $39.99 + $16 shipping to me here in god old Canada or I can buy 3 of them for $99 something + shipping

you're thoughts would really be appreciated...


Anonymous said...

I'm at a similar crossroads with my fertility monitor. I have decided to not use it anymore. The fertility clinic prefers that we use OPKs. Plus I figure that OPKs are similar in cost to the test sticks.

Anonymous said...

You can't use OPK's with clomid- clomid elevates your LH level and you will get false/inaccurate readings on the sticks- waste of money....