Friday, January 4

fingers crossed please please let this be the month. this will be our forth time TTC and so far I'm 10 DPO and waiting to test, if I don't have my period by Tuesday and my temps keep up things will be looking good.

1: ww toast, PB, s. milk
2: 2 hard-boiled eggs + kiwi
3: veggies + dip
4: soup

5. orange + almonds

(included juice of half a lemon in first bottle)

I think going with the 1 to 6 numbers follows my eating plan better, I've been eating every 2 to 3 hours the last couple of days so it looks weird to be having 2 snacks after what one might consider lunch.

I've been all over the fertility friend message boards and I've gotten some great response re: my BBT chart, things are looking good so far but I'm still waiting till Tuesday/Wednesday to test. Hopefully I can keep myself busy this weekend while my husband is down at the boat show setting up. I know I can do it!!! I have to do it I don't want to get a false + or - because I didn't wait long enough. grrrr

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