Friday, June 19

still not here...

The ov watch hasn't arrived yet but I do have the tracking number... it sat in customs ALL WEEK LONG but this afternoon it showed it is released and hopefully it is here for Monday... AF hasn't arrived either so I'm still good.. not stressing about it getting here in time as I have to start wearing it on the first, second or third day of a new cycle.

I can't believe how excited we both are for this little watch, as though this is the best shot we've ever given TTC to date... is that weird? lol Like all those other months where half-assed.... LOL which is hilarious when you think about all the crazyness we've (I've) put myself (us) through since we started down this road.

I have a crazy amount of work to do this weekend... but that will be broken up by a trip to visit the in-laws... something so odd is going on. My MIL asked that we come up for dinner, and basically Opa gave something to my MIL to give to my husband and hist brother.... but she didn't say anything more then that... oh except that it would be worth his wild to come up... WTF! There is a whole lot of bad karma around my in-laws and what they have or haven't done for my husband to date.... kinda sucks but it is what it is and we'll get through each of those bumps in the road they throw at us too. (example that happened before we bought our home.... my MIL in law asked us to buy a larger home w/apartment so they could rent the apartment from us and she was convinced that if we went to the bank and said we had confirmed renters the bank would give us more money! yes I know!!!! I couldn't beleive it either)

so I should have an interesting story for you all come tomorrow night or sunday.. depending on how emotionally drained I am from our visit.

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